2020 Webinar series

Wheat Breeding from Plow-to-Plate:

(Click on the links to watch the recorded seminars)

  • Oct 15 – Breeder Panel: Nuts-and-Bolts of Running a Program
    Wheat Breeding from Plow-to-Plate invites four guest panelists to describe their breeding experience and the ins-and-outs of being a breeder in both academia and industry: Dr. Roy Cantrell, Dr. Wesam AbuHammad, Allison Krill-Brown and Dr. David Bonnet.
  • Oct 22 – Field Tours with NDSU and KSU
    Apologies for the lagged field videos. Individual field videos can be found HERE.
    Wheat Breeding from Plow-to-Plate invites four graduate students to share virtual field tours of their very own wheat plots, followed by a brief presentation about the nectrophobic pathogen, SNB. Panelists: Amanda Peter Haugrud, Katherine Running, Bliss Betzen and Elina Adhikari.
  • Oct 29 – Nectrotrophic Fungal Pathogens in Wheat
    Wheat Breeding from Plow-to-Plate invites guest speaker Dr. Guihai Bai, the Director of USDA Central Small Grain Genotyping Lab in Manhattan, KS and WheatCAP student Katherine Running from North Dakota State University to discuss necrotrophic pathogens in wheat.
  • Nov 05 – Background: Genomic Selection and BLUP
    Wheat Breeding from Plow-to-Plate invites WheatCAP student Noah DeWitt from North Carolina State University to discuss Genomic Selection.
  • Nov 12 – Hands-on Genomic Selection with rrBLUP and BGLR
    Part two of our Genomic Selection discussion, in which WheatCAP student Noah DeWitt from North Carolina State University leads a R markdown hands-on session with rrBLUP and BGLR.
    Download the data and R Markdown files to reproduce this session
  • Nov 19 – Milling and Baking
    The sixth session of the WheatCAP Webinar Series: Wheat Breeding from Plow-to-Plate invites guest speakers, Professors Jason Watt and Aaron Clanton from Kansas State University to discuss wheat milling and baking.
  • Dec 03 – Evaluating Bread Baking Quality for CA Markets
    The seventh session of the WheatCAP Webinar Series: Wheat Breeding from Plow-to-Plate invites guest speaker, Claudia Carter from the California Wheat Commission to discuss Evaluating Bread Quality for CA Markets.
  • Dec 10 – Evaluating Pasta Quality for Durum Wheat
    WheatCAP Webinar Series: Wheat Breeding from Plow-to-Plate invites guest speaker, Claudia Carter from the California Wheat Commission for our final webinar session to discuss “Evaluating Pasta Quality For Durum Wheat”

Thursdays @ 8:30 PT/11:30 ET

For more information; Priscilla Glenn